Specialist Learning Areas

At Northlands Primary School we know that education is not just confined to Maths, sciences, and languages. Our learners thrive in specialist classes that extend their minds and engage their creatives senses.

Junior Primary & Senior Primary Music Rooms

We are indeed privileged to have two separate music rooms which allow our different age groups to flourish at their own pace in spaces dedicated to their level of understanding and engagement. The rooms are adjacent to each other which allows the music specialist teachers the opportunity to collaborate and share ideas as well as resources. You will often find our teachers jamming together in the afternoons and they explore new ideas to bring to their teaching repertoire.

Art Room

A most magical space. Our learners are drawn to the bright natural light and the creative energy of our incredibly talented art teacher. It is space in which they can explore all their creative abilities and where they are encouraged to be individuals. Learners are invited to unleash their imaginations and explore the endless possibilities of artistic expression using a range of mixed media. Equipped with all that they need to experiment and innovate they are carefully mentored with guidance and constructive feedback to allow their creativity to flourish.

Media Centre

Our library is a wonderland for the imagination where the temptation to dive into a book is ever present. From well-loved classics to contemporary gems, the library caters to a variety of literary tastes. Our shelves are arranged to make it easy for our different age groups to locate and enjoy a book appropriate to their age group. There is something for everyone and the library remains a sanctuary for knowledge seekers. Miss P has carefully created an environment that will guide, inspire and foster a love of reading in our children.

Senior Primary iMac Room and Junior Primary Computer lab

Our Media Centre houses both our computer rooms. The Senior Primary room houses 16 state of the art iMacs. Our Junior Primary Computer labs also house our iPads for interactive class lessons across the grades. They are also the starting point for our coding and robotics lessons, which begin in Grade R. Lessons with our specialist teachers are much smaller, with half the class attending computers whilst the other half attends Media. They swop at the end of the first session. This allows for individualised attention and a greater depth of retention.

Technology & Robotics Lab

Without a doubt the principals most favourite classroom in the school! Housing our custom built First Lego league robotics tables, the laser cutter as well as a 3D Printer this department allows creativity to meet technology in the best way possible.
At Northlands, we believe in providing students with hands-on experiences that prepare them for the future. Through coding and robotics, students embark on a journey of discovery, where they learn to program robots to perform tasks, solve challenges, and interact with their environment. Robotics takes coding to the next level by bringing creations to life.
Our Technology classroom uses all the digital tools available to us along with traditional tools to enhance the learning experience of our learners. Box construction in our Junior Primary section will evolve into more complicated technical drawing and construction in our older grades.

Hall space

Our recently refurbished hall serves various purposes beyond its primary function as an assembly space. It is a hive of activity on most days as it is a well-used additional teaching space for our performing arts department. It serves as an alternate PE venue on rainy days and is home to our annual school plays as well as our Choir Festival. Equipped with state-of-the-art sound and lighting it allows us to put on professional performances to full house of over 400 people. In the afternoons it serves as a venue for our Drama extra-curricular and ever popular dance club.