Senior Primary

School Hours

Grade 4 - 7 Mon to Thurs / 07h20 – 13h45

Grade 4 - 7 Fri / 07h20 – 13h15

Senior Primary

The Senior Primary section at Northlands Primary evolves from the more nurturing class-teacher based approach in Grade 4 and 5 into teaching our learners to move independently between specialist teachers in Grades 6 and 7. This will ensure that they are well prepared for the transition to high school.

The Senior Primary Department offers your child a holistic education where there are numerous sporting and cultural activities on offer along with a solid academic foundation.

The Grade Leader in each grade co-ordinates a standardised academic programme, including assessments, across the grade. Our teachers have an ‘open door’ policy and will happily assist where-ever possible. We are very blessed at Northlands to have a specialised Academic Support unit, headed up by Mrs Catherine Human. Reading, Spelling and Maths baseline tests are conducted at the beginning of the year, and again in September. These help us to identify the learners who are in need of extra academic assistance.

Whether it be in our remedial small group sessions, or in after school extra lessons. We also offer school-based counselling services for those learners who may need emotional support and work on a referral system with those learners who need professional intervention.

All our learners, from Grade 4 to 7, strive to be academically recognised in the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ an inter-house academic competition. Academic excellence in Grades 6 & 7 is also rewarded. A learner who constantly achieves an aggregate of 80% and over is awarded an academic scroll to wear on his or her blazer.

Our Grade 7 learners become school leaders in their Grade 7 year. This is a service-based leadership role which is inclusive and allows our learners to rise to the challenge of taking on different roles within the school environment. This could take the form of acting as a chaperone on Open Day or even conducting a school tour. Our Grade 7s also assist with reading in the lower grades. They help at the Junior Primary Gala as a lifeguard, host or hostess or even keep score. They relish the responsibility and have proven willing participants.

Learners across the Senior Primary grades are exposed to an enriching academic programme with specialist teachers in performing arts, visual arts, computer science, coding & robotics, design and technology, as well as a challenging physical education programme.